85th Rally, Aug. 1st-10th, Begins in

Vendor Protocols
June 30, 2020

City of Sturgis City of Sturgis Motorcyclce Rally

City of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2020

Temporary Vendor and Malt Beverage/Liquor License Holder Protocols


All establishments shall do the following:


  1. Read and become familiar with the CDC Guidelines:



  1. Read and become familiar with the State of South Dakota Back to Normal Plan



  1. Post signage at all entrances into all buildings and tents that states:

“In an effort to reduce the likelihood of transmission of the COVID-19 Virus, it is recommended that no more than ______ people should be in this facility. It is your personal choice and responsibility if you enter. You should maintain social distancing of 6’ between parties including at the register”

The recommended capacity number can be calculated using the City’s temporary vendor license application. This number is half of the fire capacity limit calculated using the International Building Code.


  1. Ensure hand sanitizer is available at your establishment and is required to be used frequently by employees and available for guests.


  1. Ensure all employees are provided with masks and promote their use whenever employees are not able to maintain a social distance of at least 6’ from other



In addition, every vendor, malt beverage licensee and liquor licensee shall:


  1. Ensure any employee who does not feel well or exhibits any symptoms of the COVID-19 virus is sent home and encouraged to consult with their health care provider

  2. Encourage patrons to not congregate within 6 feet in groups of 10 or more

  3. Ensure heightened sanitization of restrooms and all door handles and frequently touched surfaces

  4. Ensure they follow the State of South Dakota Department of Health Retail Business Checklist (attached) on a daily basis



In addition, every restaurant, food court, coffee house, bar, brewery, winery, club, cafe, and other similar place shall:


  1. Ensure any employee who does not feel well or exhibits any symptoms of the COVID-19 virus is sent home and encouraged to consult with their health care provider

  2. Consider moving tables, booths, and other furniture intended to accommodate on-site consumption so that each party is 6 feet apart.

  3. Encourage patrons to not congregate within 6 feet in groups of 10 or more

  4. Not allow the use of buffets or self-serve food areas

  5. Ensure all video lottery machines are spaced at least 6 feet apart and are thoroughly sanitized after each use

  6. Ensure that each table or booth is completely sanitized after each use

  7. Ensure heightened sanitization of restrooms


Additional information can be found at the following links:


Lists signs/symptoms of COVID to assess for illness and potential spread


Checklists for restaurants and vendors to self-assess mitigation measures



www.sturgis-sd.gov www.facebook.com/cityofsturgis

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